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One Star Reviews Of National Parks

I’m going to say this up front. It’s no surprise that I LOVE the US national parks. (I created whole website for them, after all). I have yet to go to a national park that I didn’t love.

But, we aren’t all the same and there are people out there who have a very different impression of the national parks.

I scoured through all the bad Yelp reviews of national parks and all the one star reviews of national parks on TripAdvisor and have compiled the best of the worst right here.

I hope you find these national park bad reviews as hilarious as I do!

Bad Acadia National Park Reviews

Acadia was the first national park that I ever went to, so it has a special place in my heart. Not everyone feels the same way about it that I do, though…

Acadia National Park bad reviews “If you miss your turn, you have to go all the way around again”

Driving the loop is nuts. …  If you miss your turn, you have to go all the way around again or at least to the nearest two way road. It’s one thing if part of your park is a one way loop, but when the majority is? It’s time to reconsider. 


I will just say that that’s kind of what a loop drive is – a loop. Yes, a lot of the road is one way, but that helps control traffic – and the road is one of the most scenic parts of the park!

Acadia National Park bad reviews - The forest is so overgrown that I actually wish that people would bring in wood, with all the associated pests, from other areas

The forest is so overgrown that I actually wish that people would bring in wood, with all the associated pests, from other areas. … there is almost no wildlife.In three days of being there, I saw three ground squirrels. … 


Um, a forest with too many trees?? And wild animals that don’t appear on cue. It really does seem Acadia isn’t playing nice …

Acadia National Park bad reviews - Not worth the trip, unfriendly, expensive, crowded, lots of driving

Not worth the trip, unfriendly, expensive, crowded, lots of driving. 


I personally find it incredibly beautiful, there’s a shuttle, historic carriage roads, miles of hiking trails and areas of the park like the Schoodic Peninsula that has very few people.

This is a rip-off and a poor excuse of a “National Park”! 

Acadia National Park bad reviews - The highlight was the small playground for our toddler behind our hotel

This place has been quite disappointing. Aside from a 10-minute cruise along an admittedly scenic coastline and the decent view from Cadillac Mountain, the highlight was the small playground for our toddler behind our hotel.


Maybe they didn’t go to Sand Beach. Or Echo Beach. Or the Ocean Path. Or Jordan Pond. Or … ???

Not worth the extra trip. If you happen to be passing by, then stop for an hour or two. 


I’ve spent days here and have never been bored!

Acadia National Park bad reviews - There is nothing left to see here; all the views have been seen

Too crowded – everyone please get in your cars and leave…there is nothing left to see here; all the views have been seen – thank you! 


It’s pretty, but not as spectacular as other parks we’ve visited … We were fairly disappointed and don’t expect to return. 


I don’t know about that. I think the views are pretty great, myself.

Acadia National Park bad reviews - The views were horrid and disgusting, you couldn't see anything and I think I caught a cold from being there

The views were horrid and disgusting, you couldn’t see anything and I think I caught a cold from being there. The most ridiculous part of the whole clown fiesta was I only saw 2 FROGS. Like what?? I was promised dragonflies, bald Eagles, trout, beavers, and all I saw was TWO freaking frogs. Complete false advertising, I could see more interesting animals in a local forest in 10 minutes. 


Well, again, I’m not sure why the views are horrible. And I get that it is disappointing to not see animals all the time, but they are wild and happily living their lives away from people if possible.

The fog blocked the views of all the sites until it burned off around 3 or 4 pm. The locals all knew about it and said you don’t want to visit here after July 4th because of the fog. 


It is disappointing to have fog obscuring the views. I get it. But I’ve been there in July with no fog at all. And, again, nature is nature. Disappointing, but worth a one-star review?

Acadia National Park bad reviews - Not much to see here

You can easily do better. long trip for a nothing park. This is a park but not a National Park. Not much to see here


With the mountains, beaches, pink rocky shorelines, islands, lakes, forests, carriage roads, historic stone bridges, lighthouses, etc. there seems quite a lot to see to me. But maybe that’s just me.

Acadia National Park bad reviews - Waste of time place

Waste of time place with a few catchy names like Thunder Hole and the like to get you to pay $30 to drive around it. If this place is a highlight of things to see in Maine then it just goes to show what little there is to see in Maine in general. 


Very disappointing we were there at the end of April and we didn’t encounter any animals. It certainly cannot be defined as a natural park but only a panoramic road and nothing more. 


Again … really?? There are 33 things to do on my list of The Best Things to Do in Acadia National Park.

Acadia National Park bad reviews - I couldnt wait to get out of this hellhole

I couldn’t wait to get out of this hellhole.

Acadia National Park bad reviews - The scenery is not that great

The scenery is not that great. Most trails are through the woods to a spot on shore.


Actually a lot of the trails are to the tops of mountains with breathtaking views over the surrounding forests, ocean, and islands. Check out my top 10 Hikes In Acadia National Park.

If you’re not put off completely, take a look at my free guides to Acadia National Park.

And if you’re planning a trip there, check out my 1-4-day itineraries for Acadia National Park.

Bad Arches National Park Reviews

Arches National Park bad reviews 1

I would do no stars cause this place is worthless

Arches National Park bad reviews - Couple holes in the rocks. Dont see what the big deal is

Mostly a vast nothing … Couple holes in the rocks. Don’t see what the big deal is. 


Maybe they’re holes in rocks, but they’re stull beautiful.

Arches National Park bad reviews 6

Arches National Park was a bit of a letdown. We did walk to a couple of the arches … but both of the arches were not what we expected


It makes one wonder – what were they expecting??

Arches National Park bad reviews - I thought thered be more arches

Honestly, I thought there’d be more arches. Like, arches as far as the eye could see. It’s called ARCHES National Park. Are there formations as far as the eye can see? Sure. But then call it Formations National Park. Or A Few Arches Scattered Over Thousands of Acres National Park. Don’t come expecting every arch to look like the one on the license plate, because it’s one of the few that’s impressive. This place gets one star because the name is seriously misleading. 


I mean, the park does have the largest concentration of natural arches in the world – over 2,000!

Arches National Park bad reviews - Delicate Arch looks like it might fall over at any time

Delicate Arch looks like it might fall over at any time. It might fall over in the future. Doesn’t look anything like the license plate. 


Maybe that’s why it’s called “Delicate” Arch?

Arches National Park bad reviews - Narcissistic, selfish people posed right in front of the arch for their personal photo

For the entire time individual by individual, or small number by small number of narcissistic, selfish people posed right in front of the arch for their personal photo. … This situation is potentially dangerous as well. Any physical altercation between people with different perspectives about this could easily lead to serious injury or death if someone were shoved over a ledge… Left in frustration and won’t be back. 


I was lucky to take this photo without any people – but it’s not surprising that people want to take a photo with it.

If you’re planning a visit to Arches National Park, check out:

Bad Bryce Canyon National Park Reviews

Bryce Canyon National Park bad reviews - This by far is one of the most boring parks to visit

I’ve been to 100’s of National Parks across the country and this by far is one of the most boring parks to visit

Bryce Canyon National Park bad reviews - Only come here if your passing by

Ok to see but does not Compare to all the other Utah National Parks. Only come here if your passing by


I think it looks like an alien landscape and is super cool. But I guess my super cool is another person’s boring.

As I approached the trails I saw a sign that states pets are not allowed on the trails. Well, I brought my Husky on this trip. So I guess I don’t get to enjoy this park. 

Bryce Canyon National Park bad reviews - The walks are a bit mediocre and not all that scenic

Bryce was my least favourite and a bit overrated! You get some nice views from Bryce/Inspiration Point but otherwise there’s not an awful lot to it. The walks are a bit mediocre and not all that scenic.. good for an afternoon or morning but not worth the entrance fee. 


I’m not sure how this is not scenic!

Bryce Canyon National Park bad reviews - Same hoodoos, slightly different angle

Whilst the first sight of the hoodoos was impressive, most of the views afterwards just seemed to be “same hoodoos, slightly different angle“. 


There are lots of hoodoos, that’s true.

Bryce Canyon National Park bad reviews - We didnt even get to find the trail that leads to the amphitheater

I’m sure it would’ve been a beautiful place to see however the park rangers were no help at all. …  We didn’t even get to find the trail that leads to the amphitheater. Me and a bunch of other cars were driving around confused. I’m disappointed to say the least. 


This is a shame. The amphitheater is worth the effort it takes to find it (and it’s kind of hard to miss!)

Are you planning a trip to Bryce Canyon? Read my:

Bad Grand Canyon National Park Reviews

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews - Uncontrolled erosion leaving a dangerous and ugly scar on an otherwise beautiful forest

A great example of uncontrolled erosion leaving a dangerous and ugly scar on an otherwise beautiful forest

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews - Its too big. I was expecting smaller

It’s too big. I almost fell like 20 miles away from it by my car but I could still see it. Also my wife decided to divorce me while we were there. It’s also to big. I was expecting smaller. 


I’m hoping this one is a joke. It might be …

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews A giant hole in the ground

Whoopity do, Grand Canyon. You are a giant hole in the ground. You were caused be erosion. You don’t have roller coasters or dippin’ dots. Jeeesh. Can you say “overrated?” 


Dude seriously it’s just a big hole in the ground and it’s all dirt. No shade trees, nothing interesting at all. … you can walk around on the dirt and look at the giant gaping hole in the ground and take pictures of the dirt. Big whoop. Not even worth the drive. 


Very disappointing 5 hour drive for a hole in the ground expected to see the Colorado River and nothing 


Couldn’t see what all the fuss is about. … It’s just a hole in the ground. A big hole, mind


Seriously. It’s a hole in the ground. To me, it’s not spectacular, it’s not pretty. It’s a giant hole in the ground. There’s nothing to see from the top.  


Lots of people had the same thought. Yes, it’s a very big hole. But a hole like no other.

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews - There was dirt EVERYWHERE and the hiking trail was too long

Went to the Grand Canyon this past week and let me tell YOU it’s a big ole waste o time! There was dirt EVERYWHERE and the hiking trail was too long! Also where are the vending machines?? And no where to charge my phone! It’s way too deep to even see the bottom!  … ! Grand Canyon more like grand blandyon 


The trails down below the rim are ling – but you can hike part of them easily enough. Read my Guide to The Bright Angel Trail for more info about this iconic trail.

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews - There is nothing there

Nothing here but desiccated bone dry just like California drought ...There is nothing there! … Easy place to commit murder. Just push the dude over the cliff and no body find out. Such a creeper. No plant, no life, it’s like a picture of death. 


Don’t waste your time and hard earned money on this overpriced, overcrowded experience


The trek to views were bad, tiring. We reached here and asked, why all the fuss? Ok views. 


If you’re looking for something to do, check out my list of 30 Things to Do on the South Rim.

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews - Just an overblown sandy ditch

I’ve been to a number of so called landmarks in my time – but what the hell was this? Just an overblown sandy ditch. Really don’t get the fascination! Took two hours to get there – should’ve stayed in my hotel and watched a DVD instead… 


A bit of a waste of a day I’m afraid. If you’ve seen pictures you’ve seen it. Don’t waste your time. 


Very dull and boring. Not a lot to see and loads of selfie sticks ready to take your eye out! Don’t waste your time or money on this its just not worth it. 

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews - Just a muddy river, rock, and sheer cliffs

The Grand Canyon is a joke … There are no animals, no greenery, no clear blue streams… just a muddy river, rock, and sheer cliffs. You’ll go “ooh” and “ahh” for 30 seconds, and then feel guilty that you’re ready to leave after that… A hole. A very, very large hole. 


The views were ok. However, I just find it unacceptable that in this day and age wifi was non-existent. I had lots of good photos but was unable to Snapchat them! 

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews - It was just a pile of dirt and rocks

It was just a pile of dirt and rocks. I think you would have more fun at a park with a little sand box and a couple of rocks and one of those cute cactuses for $5 so save your money and time and DONT GO TO THE GRAND CANYON. 


There are no wildlife and very few wild flowers … after gazing the canyon for 3 minutes from the rim, you have seen it all


If you have a different opinion and would enjoy the views, here are 25 Viewpoints along the South and West Rims.

Grand Canyon National Park bad reviews - If you like rocks and lots of dirt, this is the place

If you like rocks and lots of dirt, this is the place. You hit the jackpot! It takes 3 hours to drive to the interior of the canyon so if you got little kids, this can be a headache for them sitting still. There are no internet reception for the iPhone for the iPhone addicts. In awe for a brief 5 minutes and then the kids will realize it’s just rocks without entertainment, restrooms.  


Totally an overrated location. Cluster of ugly looking rocks and a gorge that runs for miles. Boring is an understatement. Don’t waste your time visiting. 


If all this hasn’t put you off, check out my:

Bad Grand Teton National Park Reviews

Grand Teton National Park bad reviews - There is nothing special about this national park

Unless you are an active traveler, there is nothing special about this national park 


Nope, there’s nothing special about this view at all 😭

Grand Teton National Park bad reviews - Nothing that we thought was a Wow factor

Not so grand ! Some nice scenery but nothing that we thought was a Wow factor?! 


Maybe they didn’t hike into Cascade Canyon (?) Read the trail details.

Grand Teton National Park bad reviews - A lot of the trails were falling apart ... and swarming with mosquitos

A lot of the trails were falling apart, full of litter, and swarming with mosquitos. The mountains look nice, but Yellowstone is way better and it’s right next to it. 

Grand Teton National Park bad reviews - 30 to get in....Are you kidding me! .. What Is the road paved with gold

$30 to get in….Are you kidding me!  .. What? Is the road paved with gold or something to make it that expensive. The visitors center is very cool but that’s as far as I’ll go. 

Grand Teton National Park bad reviews - Except the view of the three Teton peaks, it has no alluring vistas

It lacks most of Yellowstone’s charm. It has very few animals compared to YNP– we only saw mule deer. It has no thermal features or geysers. And, except the view of the three Teton peaks, it has no alluring vistas


Nope, not one single nice view. Well .. you can find some nice views in my guide to The Best Views in Grand Teton National Park. There’s much more information about the park in my:

Bad Mount Rainier National Park Reviews

Mount Rainier National Park bad reviews - It was like a juicy piece of steak presented on a trash can lid

Worst National Park I have ever been to in my life… it was like a juicy piece of steak presented on a trash can lid. 


This is weird … but I don’t see any trash here.

Mount Rainier National Park bad reviews - What really irritates me, is spending 30 dollars to drive 30 min up a mountain ... and then they have almost everything closed

What really irritates me, is spending 30 dollars to drive 30 min up a mountain. that’s a dollar a min, them old 1800 numbers are literally cheaper then that… and then they have almost everything closed. The dining area, the mountain exhibition, it was all closed except the gift shop, of course, so they can get a little MORE money out of you. 


Maybe try the trails and viewpoints …

Mount Rainier National Park bad reviews - really is a one trick pony4

(It) really is a one trick pony (That being Mt Rainier) this is more like a huge city park with a little Disney thrown in for all the children. 


Mount Rainier is definitely a focal point, but the North Cascades are all around. And there are literally millions of wildflowers on the meadows in summer. And lakes. And historic fire towers. And waterfalls. And old growth forests …

Mount Rainier National Park bad reviews - There are tons of stairs to walk up and it feels almost endless

There are tons of stairs to walk up and it feels almost endless but it is not steep which is good for beginner hikers. 

Mount Rainier National Park bad reviews - We couldn’t see the mountain from Paradise Point due to heavy fog

We couldn’t see the mountain from Paradise Point due to heavy fog/clouds


I feel their pain – the park is definitely more beautiful when the weather is clear and you can see the incredible views. But there are other things to see, too.

Mount Rainier National Park bad reviews - Even worse, there's no tramway to the summit

Firstly, can you even believe that you can stand right on a mountain but not be able to see it? Well, at Rainier you can! Even worse, there’s no tramway to the summit. Like, they expect us to walk up there or something? Wtf- no. Then there’s the situation with the bears. You’re not supposed to feed the bears (haha, yeah right), but we didn’t even see one. 


I’m hoping this is a joke, too.

Read more about this beautiful national park:

Bad Olympic National Park Reviews

Olympic National Park bad reviews 7 I dont think this is something too great - just another forest

Its all trees, greenery so what don’t you find elsewhere? I don’t think this is something too great just another forest … I would never come back to see this stuff again. Probably you have never seen greenery anywhere else if you are awestruck about these.


It is more appropriate for people who just want to look at the beauty of trees! Lots of trees!!! 


There are definitely lots of trees in the forest …

Olympic National Park bad reviews 6 Pretty much like every other forest except for some hanging moss and the bugs

It was a waste of time…. Pretty much like every other forest except for some hanging moss and the bugs (mosquitos, flies, etc) 


I’m going to let the picture say a thousand words.

Olympic National Park bad reviews 2 Absolutely not worth it

Just don’t. Absolutely not worth it. 


There are literally 1000’s of better view spots and hiking trails in Washington. 

Olympic National Park bad reviews 4 I know it is a Rain Forest and so the chances are it can rain however ... the rain and the heat made it very uncomfortable

Yes, I know it is a Rain Forest and so the chances are it can rain however please prepare yourself for torrential downpours….  the rain and the heat made it very uncomfortable.  


At least they acknowledge that is is a RAIN forest. Though, in fact, most of the rain falls in the winter.

Olympic National Park bad reviews 5 The rainforest consists of a walk through spruce, hemlock, ferns and moss. That's it

The rainforest and its several easy strolls from the visitors’ centre consist of a walk through spruce, hemlock, ferns and moss. That’s it. I felt like I was taking photographs because I should, rather than to savour the moment. 


The forest itself is no more impressive than other forests around the coast, or in the rest of Washington state. If you are passing, and want to part with $25, fair enough. 


Read about the top Hoh Rainforest hikes here if this actually looks good to you.

Olympic National Park bad reviews 1 Nothing could be seen because of the fog

Came to hurricane ridge but nothing could be seen because of the fog so it was a bit disappointing. there wasn’t much to do here because the trails were closed because of the fog. 


We paid 30$ to drive this road only to see absolutely nothing but clouds and/or fog. 


Just got back from Hurricane Ridge. It was a fairly clear day – so we thought. As we were driving up it began to get foggy until you could not see a foot in front of you. There was absolutely no opportunity to turn around and we kept climbing higher.  


The weather at the top of Hurricane Ridge is often very different from that at the coast. You can check the NPS Hurricane Ridge webcam to see the weather live before you set out (though it can always change, of course). Read my Guide to Hurricane Ridge for more details about this part of the park.

Olympic National Park bad reviews 3 Beat up, sparse and lacking investment

Beat up, sparse and lacking investment are the best words to describe Olympic. 


If you’re still interested in Olympic National Park, you can read more here:

Bad Yellowstone National Park Reviews

Yellowstone National Park bad reviews 1 Dont waste your time Nothing but bison and tourists

Don’t waste your time! It sucked. Nothing but bison and tourists. No elk left to see, and that is a shame. It’s a long drive to get there, only to sit in long traffic lines, without seeing anything but mud pots and a geyser. 


Here are 20 Things To Do In Yellowstone National Park if you’re struggling to find something.

Yellowstone National Park bad reviews 2 Park sights were mostly underwhelming

Park sights were mostly underwhelming. Saw lots of bison but no other wildlife of interest. After a couple of geysers, you’ve seen them all.  

Yellowstone National Park bad reviews 5 I was extremely underwhelmed. They look SO much better in the pictures. If you want a similar look just boil a pot of water at home

The park itself is nothing grand there’s mountains, trees, and lakes. Nothing too spectacular. The one thing that makes this place different from other parks is the geysers. I was extremely underwhelmed. They look SO much better in the pictures. If you want a similar look just boil a pot of water at home. 

Yellowstone National Park bad reviews 3 I got stuck in a two hour traffic jam all because there were elk off in the distance. I just couldn't believe that these rangers let the elk do this

I got stuck in a two hour traffic jam all because there were elk off in the distance... During the jam, 4 cop cars drove past going the other direction. They didn’t seem to care at all that cars were backed up for like 10 miles! I just couldn’t believe that these rangers let the elk do this! Lazy government employees.


Again, I’m not sure if this is a joke. I hope so.

Yellowstone National Park bad reviews 4 Old Faithful ... was a boring end to our thoroughly disappointing visit to this national park

The sites to explore were very far apart as this is a large park, and frankly the drive was an ugly one. … The wildlife we’d heard so much about was nowhere to be seen. … Old Faithful was as touristy and crowded as we expected it to be, and although we waited for an eruption, wilting beneath the afternoon sun, it was a boring end to our thoroughly disappointing visit to this national park. 

Yellowstone National Park bad reviews 7 Once you see water come out of the ground once your good

Once you see water come out of the ground once your good. But it’s all the same. … If you are in the area for some reason it is worth dropping by. Don’t spend a lot of money just to go to yellowstone. Its not worth it. 

Yellowstone National Park bad reviews 6 The problem with the place is that it is dull

The problem with the place is that it is dull. Yellowstone is on a caldera. A caldera is a volcano that blew up and left a crater. The dirt from this is of poor quality. The only tree that grows is this ugly thing called a lone pine. No flowers to speak of grow here.  

Yellowstone National Park bad reviews 4 Everywhere you go, there's this lingering smell of rotten eggs

Did I mention the smell? Everywhere you go, there’s this lingering smell of rotten eggs. You’d think for the $35 entrance fee the park people could install some airwicks or something. 



When we got out of the car, the smell of sulfur nearly knocked my girlfriend off her feet and the stench followed us through the day as it clung to our clothes and hair. 


No reason for this to be a national park. Sure, there is thermal stuff happening, but that’s it. It’s all basically turn-offs the busy flat two-lane road into massive parking lots with enormous t-shirt stores in an unremarkable setting. Sorry to say it, but Yellowstone is now just a heavily marketed theme park, over-rated and over-crowded. 


I disagree. If you do too and are thinking of going, read my:

Bad Zion National Park Reviews

Zion National Park bad reviews 1 Not worth the trip

I figure I’ll take the scenic drive. Nope. No one is allowed on that road. WTF. Later I learn you need to take some kind of shuttle. How do you get to the shuttle? I HAVE NO IDEA!!! No point going to the visitor center and asking if all the staff there are going to be rude and condescending like the harpy at the east entrance. … Was out of there by 11AM. Literally spent an hour at Zion with the majority of that time stuck waiting to go through a tunnel. Worst national park experience ever. Not worth the trip. Don’t do it. 

Zion National Park bad reviews 2 Zion is the worst park

Zion is the worst park we’ve been to in the US. As a fellow hiker summed up nicely: “They want your money but they don’t want you here.” The only trails marked, maintained, or depicted on park maps are the overcrowded trails you have to take a shuttle to get to. … None of the trails outside the shuttle ones have visible or obvious trailheads & asking park rangers is a waste of time because they will just tell you to go to the shuttle trails. 

Zion National Park bad reviews 3 You have to take a tram packed with a bunch of people and the other areas

Probably the worse national park out of all of them. You have to take a tram packed with a bunch of people and the other areas weren’t that great.  


This photo (above) is from the Kolob Canyons area of the park – where there is no shuttle. If you want to avoid the shuttle, there are other options for visiting Zion without the shuttle.

Zion National Park bad reviews 4 Noxious weeds everywhere

Toxic Cyano bacteria in the Virgin River. Kolob Canyon road closed because of unrepaired road damage.  Noxious weeds everywhere. 


Much to [sic] crowded. No parking space in the park. No space outside the park. (Cost: 40 dollars!) …  Buses clearly not airconditioned and crammed with people. We decided not to go. … Maybe it’s less worse if you go very early, better skip it at all. 

Zion National Park bad reviews 5 They have a road called scenic drive that you can't drive ... glad we came all the way here to be turned away

They have a road called scenic drive that you can’t drive…. glad we came all the way here to be turned away. Nothing else but hiking in 100+ degree heat. Hence the pre-recorded voice on 


It is March and they won’t allow private vehicles on scenic hi way of the national park. Way to go National Park System. Keep the scenery from being enjoyed except for a few people. 


The shuttle was monotone and a little depressing to listen to the drive. No thanks.

Zion National Park bad reviews 6 ind sights that are just as amazing at any one of the other parks

Save your money and time and go to one of the other parks instead. Unless you’re a serious hiker you’ll find sights that are just as amazing at any one of the other parks 


I love Zion. If you do too, you can find more info here:

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About the Author

James Ian at Yosemite

James Ian is a national park, camping and hiking expert.

He has dedicated his life to travel, visiting more than 80 countries, all 7 continents and most of the national parks in the United States. With over 35 years experience in the travel industry, James has worked on cruise ships, at resorts and hotels, and as a travel planner who’s helped hundreds of people plan successful trips to US national parks.

Based on his experience visiting our national parks multiple times, in-depth research and expertise as a travel planner, James has published detailed itineraries for many of the major national parks in the US. These itineraries, as well as in-depth park guides, and other resources will help you have your own incredible trip to US national parks without stress and hassle.

As a national park expert, James has contributed to many publications, including USA Today, Time Business News, Savoteur, Best Trip, and Wired.

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